One on ones


“The secret is all in the way you approach the matter of time. Since early childhood, most of us have been taught to direct our attention to the past and to the future. Those are nice places to visit – necessary in fact, for survival and success. But they are not where pleasure resides. If you’re really interested in finding pleasure, start by directing your attention to the present”

George Leonard

This session is aimed at those wishing to start and developing a regular meditation practice. 

We will explore different techniques to enable you to access stillness, presence and inner calm. The focus will be on helping you to make space and time to connect with a meditation practice that suits your lifestyle and routine.

Our aim will be to help you maintain connection to feeling present, relaxed, centred and grounded, accessing freedom from anxiety and tension and supporting connection to Higher Self to help cope better with the pressures of everyday life.  

This session is aimed at those wishing to start and developing a regular meditation practice.  

I started learning how to meditate in my early 20’s and have explored many different techniques.  I developed further skills when I undertook my holistic movement and dance training which taught me how to feel more embodied in my practice.  I therefore teach an integrated approach to meditation and we will explore different ways for you to develop a practice that is both enjoyable and supports you physically.

Sessions may go on to include aspects of connecting more deeply on a spiritual level, meditating outside and developing presence in the body through conscious movement practice if needed.

Regular meditation helps:

 Reduce high blood pressure

  • Supports pain management
  • Aids healing and recovery from ill health and accidents
  • Helps combat the devastating effects of PTSD
  • Supports recovery from depression, addiction and mental health issues
  • Aids restful sleep
  • Creates more positive mental and emotional states
  • Reduces the damaging effects of stress
  • Creates inner happiness and a sense of well-being
  • Improves self-confidence
  • Helps develop inner resources
  • Develops spiritual connection and empathy with others
  • Sustains good working environments when offered by employers/schools

Cost: x 60 mins. – £60

Course x 6 1hr. sessions paid for in advance – £55 per session (£330)

Available on-line or in person. An initial conversation maybe had before signing up for any of my course of six sessions.

You may also be interested in my group events on the Workshops page and of course, there will be monthly offerings on meditation, embodied creative spiritual practice, the Power Stone Cards and nature connection via the Members Page coming soon.

“Very informative one-one session learning meditation with Lisa. Felt a deep sense of peace and stillness afterwards. Have put her instruction into practice and feel it is helping me in all areas of my life.”

Nicola, Dorset.

“A good value for money introduction to meditation. I felt the benefits after the very first session and am looking to go away and starting my own practice with a follow up”

Bill, Dorset.

Book here…

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6 + 15 =

ONE TO ONES - movement

“Let the soul banish all that disturbs,
Let the body that envelops it be still,
And all the fretting of the body,
And all that surrounds it,
Let the earth, sea and air be still,
And heaven itself,
And then let the man think of Spirit,
It’s streaming, pouring, rushing and
Shining into him from all sides
While he stands quiet.”

Plotinus AD 205